Índice de PensadoresÍndice de Temas

Categoria: Don Ihde

  • Ihde (Instrumental) – Qualidades, matematização e mundo da vida

    According to Husserl, what was “obvious” to Galileo was a long tradition of the relation and application of ancient geometry in a Platonistic guise such that the empirical world could be mathematized with a certain intuitiveness — but only to a point. Partial measurements and correspondences were known from antiquity (and revived in the [20]…

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  • Ihde (Instrumental) – Praxis-percepção, um modelo fenomenológico de interpretação

    The primary progenitor of the phenomenological movement was Edmund Husserl, whose published works appeared from the early 1900s through 1936. A French reader of his, particularly with [17] regard to the later works, was Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who died in 1961. Both turned their attention to the role of perception in science, and both utilized a…

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  • Ihde (Instrumental) – Filosofia da Ciência

    I do not wish to go over the same ground already well trod since the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962). The arguments and counterattacks, the extensions and revisions, have been many. But I shall take a different approach. I shall not address the mainline reaction, which accused Kuhn of both reducing science…

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  • Ihde – Realismo Instrumental

    A Interface entre a Filosofia da Ciência e a Filosofia da Técnica Don Ihde demonstra como a instrumentação científica pode ser a conexão forte, ou o “interface”, entre a filosofia da ciência e a filosofia da técnica. O livro defende uma abordagem centrada em práxis-percepção para a filosofia da ciência e explora formas pelas quais…

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