Categoria: Langdon Winner
Langdon Winner – Tecnologia autônoma
One importance of the idea of autonomous technology is that it sets out to debunk the dream of mastery by showing that it has gone awry in practice. In modern speculation about technics, one thinker after another has found it necessary to question the fundamental conceptions and beliefs that anchor the way Western men think…
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Langdon Winner (Whale) – A Baleia e o Reator (prefácio segunda edição)
WINNER, Langdon. The whale and the reactor : a search for limits in an age of high technology. Second edition. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2020 “DO ARTIFACTS HAVE POLITICS?” When I first posed that question decades ago, many social scientists dismissed it as a blunder, absurd, unhelpful, and perhaps even destructive. After all,…
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Langdon Winner (Whale) – A Baleia e o Reator (prefácio primeira edição)
WINNER, Langdon. The whale and the reactor : a search for limits in an age of high technology. Second edition. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2020 THE MAP OF the world shows no country called Technopolis, yet in many ways we are already its citizens. If one observes how thoroughly our lives are shaped…
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