Categoria: Terry Winograd
Winograd & Flores (Computers) – Uma ilustração do “ser-lançado” (Geworfenheit)
Many people encountering the work of Heidegger for the first time find it very difficult to comprehend. Abstract terms like ‘Dasein’ and ‘thrownness,’ for instance, are hard to relate to reality. This is the opposite of what Heidegger intends. His philosophy is based on a deep awareness of everyday life, He argues that the issues…
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Flores & Winograd – Compreensão da Informática e da Cognição
FLORES, Fernando & WINOGRAD, Terry. Understanding Computers and Cognition. A New Foundation for Design. Addison-Wesley, 1986 This is a book about the design of computer technology. In it, we look closely at computers as they exist today and we set out new directions for future development. The discourse presented here, however, is not what one…
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