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Categoria: Michael E. Zimmerman

  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – O conceito de Jünger da Gestalt do Trabalhador

    In The Worker, Jünger defined this new kind of humanity, which was compelled by the Gestalt of the worker to produce ever more powerful technological devices in the service of planetary domination. What Jünger meant by Gestalt is not entirely clear. In psychological terms, it means a shape or form that is more than the…

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  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – Ontologia instrumentalista

    The instrumentalist orientation of Being and Time can readily be seen in the following statement: “Readiness-to-hand is the way in which entities as they are ‘in themselves’ are defined ontologico-categorially.” [SZ: 71/100] We have already noted some problems inherent in this claim that tools really are instruments for human use. Expanding on this instrumentalist attitude,…

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  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – Heidegger and Deep Ecology

    Heidegger’s criticism of the tendency of modern technology to treat the earth as a machine or as raw material for exploitation has led some people to interpret his thinking as being consistent with contemporary environmentalism. In this section, I want to examine briefly the extent to which Heidegger’s thought may be “applied” to the environmental…

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  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – Equipamento, Trabalho, Mundo e Ser

    Heidegger had a lifelong concern with the nature of working and producing. He manifested this concern in what may be the most famous portion of Being and Time: the analysis of the workshop. Knowing what we do about Heidegger’s affiliation with National Socialism and its pre-1936 critique of industrialism, we may not be surprised at…

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  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – Trabalho

    The conceptions of space and time developed by early modern physics also made it possible to conceive of “work” in a new way: as the product of force and direction divided by time. Hence, “reality is nothing but the quantum of working.” [GA33: 48] Working, in turn, became conceived in the technological era in terms…

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  • Zimmerman (Confronto Modernidade) – Movimentos modeladores das épocas

    Ο entendimento de Heidegger, de que a moderna tecnologia é um meio de revelação das coisas, pode ser clarificado quando inserido no contexto da história da filosofia alemã. Do mesmo modo que Kant, Heidegger acreditava que a tarefa do filósofo era a de descobrir as condições transcendentais que tornaram viável o conhecimento e a acção…

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  • Zimmerman (Confronto Modernidade) – Heidegger e Jünger

    O mais importante desses modernistas reaccionários foi Ernst Jünger. A descoberta dos seus escritos foi o terceiro factor que moldou a mudança da minha abordagem histórica e contextual ao conceito de tecnologia moderna de Heidegger. Enguanto Herf aborda brevemente quanto Heidegger é tributário de Jünger e de outros modernistas reaccionários, eu analiso em pormenor essa…

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  • Zimmerman – Ecologia Integral

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  • Zimmerman (Modernidade) – Jünger e a Gestalt do Trabalhador

    Although for his conception of modern technology Heidegger owed more to Ernst Jünger than to anyone else, the views of both men were consistent with those of certain other members of the “conservative revolution.” They agreed that technology could not be understood in terms of social, political, or economic categories; instead, the socio-economic structures of…

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  • Zimmerman – Confrontação com a Modernidade

    [ZIMMERMAN, Michael E.. Heidegger’s Confrontation with Modernity. Technology, Politics, Art. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990] O perigo em que se encontra o «sagrado coração dos povos» do Ocidente não é o de estar em declínio, mas é o de que nós entregamo-nos à extravagância, emaranhamo-nos a nós mesmos à vontade da modernidade e impulsionamo-la. [GA,…

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  • Zimmerman – Confrontação com a Modernidade (Introdução)

    ZIMMERMAN, Michael E.. Heidegger’s Confrontation with Modernity. Technology, Politics, Art. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990 Resumo desta excelente análise da questão da técnica em Heidegger, contextualizada na sua constituição de questionamento relevante a nossa época. Para Heidegger a técnica moderna tem três significados inter-relacionados: primeiro, as técnicas, dispositivos, sistemas, e processos de produção usualmente associados…

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