Tag: fenomenologia
Patocka – The Naive Life-World and the World of Science
Before an explicit theoretical interest is awakened in man, he has already acquired an image of the world, which takes shape without any conscious elaboration on his part. This image itself has two components: one that can be called “givenness,” the other a complementary element of explanation or interpretation. The element of givenness comprises all…
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Patocka – The Situation of Man in the World
The theme we are to analyze is man in the world. The first thing to do is to define this object in a purely descriptive way, as an objective guideline. If we start from man as a fundamental term of the relation and take him objectively as part of nature, as a living creature in…
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Drummond (Husserl) – fundador da fenomenologia moderna
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de Castro – Da Essência da Informática
Dada a presença crescente da informática em todas as atividades humanas, quando se menciona o termo “informática”, este pode designar muitas coisas. Entre estas, destaca-se a noção de informática enquanto técnica, no caso, “técnica da informação”, ou “tecnologia da informação”, diante do uso abusivo do termo “tecnologia” e sua incorreta assimilação ao termo “técnica”. A…
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Schutz – Fenomenologia em Foco
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Heidegger (GA5:377) – radiodifusão, a hegemonia do historicismo
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Heidegger (GA41:19-20) – que é uma coisa?
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Heidegger (SZ:61-62) – Com a ab-stração ainda não se tem a visualização
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Quintão – intencionalidade e ciência
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Zahavi (Being Someone) – neurophenomenology
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João Carlos Correia – Alfred Schutz
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Heidegger (GA45) – O elemento historiológico das ciências naturais
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