Índice de PensadoresÍndice de Temas

Tag: mundo digital

  • Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Utopias Digitais

    The return to a transformed golden age and the rhetoric of progress implicate digital narratives in the concept of utopia. The global village and the electronic cottage invoke a return to the ideal of preindustrial arts and crafts. Our induction into an egalitarian social order through electronic communications retells the message of early socialism and…

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  • Stephen L. Talbott (Future) – Encontramo-nos em nosso computador

    How do we begin assessing the computer as a human tool? The claims and counter-claims easily become tiresome. For every benefit of the computer you cite, I can point to a corresponding threat; and for every alarm I sound, you can herald a new opportunity. This slipperiness, in fact — as I have already suggested…

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  • Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Narrativas

    This is the narrative of this book, a romance in its own right, the story of how the myths of unity and disintegration have been variously translated into the forms we see in the digital age. Ancient myths of a transcendent reality of the whole and the parts caught in a cosmic antagonism have been…

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  • Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Racionalismo e romanticismo

    The rationalists had said that we should eschew feeling, emotion, and other distortions to knowledge in favor of pure reason. In contrast, the romantics rehabilitated and promoted feeling and emotion. Whereas the rationalists and empiricists debated the nature of reality and how we can know it, the romantics elevated the intangible world of the imagination.…

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  • Coyne (Technoromanticism) – A quimera da unidad digital

    Clearly the unity theme presents in various forms. In some cases, it presents as a simple numerical description: one whole (unity) and many parts (multiplicity). In some cases, it presents as a matter of the unity between elements, as in the parts of a system working as one, people united as community, or distinct categories…

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  • Richard Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Narrativas digitais românticas e McLuhan

    Digital narratives place the invention and refinement of the computer at the pinnacle of scientific and technological accomplishment. Therefore, it may seem strange that digital narratives should draw so heavily on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century romanticism. This book examines the spectrum of romantic narrative that pervades the digital age, from McLuhan’s utopian vision of social reintegration…

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  • Rafael Capurro – Contribuições para uma ontologia digital

    Este artigo está dedicado a uma investigação das origens da ontologia digital na metafísica grega (Platão, Aristóteles) tomando como base a análise de Heidegger sobre a aritmética e a geometria grega em seus seminários de 1924/1925 publicados com o título “Sophistes”. O artigo parte da tese de que a interpretação do ser que prevalece hoje…

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  • Michael Eldred – The Digital Cast of Being

    This study originally arose out of an e-mail exchange with Rafael Capurro at artefactphil in 1999. I am therefore indebted to him for important impulses. Cf. Rafael Capurro’s analogous study Beiträge zu einer digitalen Ontologie (Contribution to a Digital Ontology) at www.capurro.de, from which the present study deviates considerably in both content and scope of…

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  • Dreyfus (Computadores:21-23) – Do analógico ao digital, a máquina se torna universal

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  • de Castro – O mapa digital

    O SI qualificado como “geográfico”, se oferece como o gerador por excelência da “carta digital”, um produto paradoxalmente distinto e, ao mesmo tempo, “mimético” do mapa geográfico clássico. Esta “carta digital” conjugada com todo o artifício disponibilizado pela TI moderna, fascina e cativa especialmente por sua imensa “elasticidade”, sua “regenerabilidade” quase instantânea, sob novas e…

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  • Analógico e Digital

    Costuma-se opor “analógico” a “digital”. A noção elementar de “analógico” serve como princípio para os computadores de tal tipo, em contraste com os computadores digitais. Os analógicos funcionam da seguinte maneira. Existem diversos fenômenos físicos que, embora se processando em condições materiais bastante diversas, são representados pela mesma equação matemática. Por exemplo, um circuito hidráulico…

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