Categoria: Hubert Dreyfus
Ceticismo e epistemologia (Dreyfus & Taylor, 2015:5-7)
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Dreyfus – Ser-no-Mundo. Comentário à Divisão I de Ser e Tempo de Martin Heidegger
This commentary has been circulating in gradually changing versions for over twenty years. It started in 1968 as a set of “Fybate Lecture Notes” transcribed from my course on Being and Time at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1975 I started circulating my updated lecture notes to students and anyone else who was interested.…
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Dreyfus (Internet) – Howard Rheingold
It should thus be clear that tools are not neutral, and that using the Net diminishes one’s involvement in the physical and social world. This, in turn, diminishes one’s sense of reality and of the meaning in one’s life. Indeed, it seems that, the more we use the Net, the more it will tend to…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – A linguagem de Heidegger para descrever o “ser” humano
At this point someone is sure to object that in spite of his interest in our shared, everyday practices, Heidegger, unlike Wittgenstein, uses very unordinary language. Why does Heidegger need a special, technical language to talk about common sense? The answer is illuminating. To begin with, Heidegger and Wittgenstein have a very different understanding of…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – Individualismo metodológico
5. Methodological Individualism. Heidegger follows Wilhelm Dilthey in emphasizing that the meaning and organization of a culture must be taken as the basic given in the social sciences and philosophy and cannot be traced back to the activity of individual subjects. Thus Heidegger rejects the methodological individualism that extends from Descartes to Husserl to existentialists…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – Neutralidade científica
4. Detachment and Objectivity. From the Greeks we inherit not only our assumption that we can obtain theoretical knowledge of every domain, even human activities, but also our assumption that the detached theoretical viewpoint is superior to the involved practical viewpoint. According to the philosophical tradition, whether rationalist or empiricist, it is only by means…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – Holismo teórico
3. Theoretical Holism. Plato’s view that everything human beings do that makes any sense at all is based on an implicit theory, combined with the Descartes/Husserl view that this theory is represented in our minds as intentional states and rules for relating them, leads to the view that even if a background of shared practices…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – Representação mental
2. Mental Representation. To the classic assumption that beliefs and desires underlie and explain human behavior, Descartes adds that in order for us to perceive, act, and, in general, relate to objects, there must be some content in our minds–some internal representation–that enables us to direct our minds toward each object. This “intentional content” of…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-World) – Reflexão crítica
1. Explicitness. Western thinkers from Socrates to Kant to Jürgen Habermas have assumed that we know and act by applying principles and have concluded that we should get clear about these presuppositions so that we can gain enlightened control of our lives. Heidegger questions both the possibility and the desirability of making our everyday understanding…
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Dreyfus (Computadores:21-23) – Do analógico ao digital, a máquina se torna universal
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Joseph Rouse – Coping with Intentionality
In this section, I shall explicate Dreyfus’s account of the intentionality of practical coping without foregrounding his insistence upon its tacit, atheoretical, and asocial character. The contrasts to explicit interpretation, theoretical understanding, and social normativity then stand out as subsequent, debatable claims about the scope of practical intentionality rather than as constitutive contrasts that express…
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Dreyfus (Being-in-the-world) – disposição de espírito, estado de ânimo (Befindlichkeit)
O termo de Heidegger para o aspecto receptivo do modo de ser do Dasein, onde ele justamente descobre coisas e maneiras de agir importando a ele, é Befindlichkeit. Esta não é uma palavra em alemão comum, mas é construída de uma saudação diária, «Wie befinden Sie sich?», que literalmente pergunta «como te encontras?» — algo…
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Dreyfus – Introdução a “O que os computadores (ainda) não podem fazer”
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