Tag: sociedade
Adorno (IS) – a sociedade
El concepto de sociedad muestra ejemplarmente en qué escasa medida los conceptos, como pretende Nietzsche, pueden definirse verbalmente afirmando que «en ellos se sintetiza semióticamente todo un proceso». La sociedad es esencialmente proceso; sobre ella dicen más las leyes de su evolución que cualquier invariante previa. Esto mismo prueban también los intentos de delimitar su…
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Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Utopias Digitais
The return to a transformed golden age and the rhetoric of progress implicate digital narratives in the concept of utopia. The global village and the electronic cottage invoke a return to the ideal of preindustrial arts and crafts. Our induction into an egalitarian social order through electronic communications retells the message of early socialism and…
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Stephen L. Talbott (Future) – Encontramo-nos em nosso computador
How do we begin assessing the computer as a human tool? The claims and counter-claims easily become tiresome. For every benefit of the computer you cite, I can point to a corresponding threat; and for every alarm I sound, you can herald a new opportunity. This slipperiness, in fact — as I have already suggested…
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Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Narrativas
This is the narrative of this book, a romance in its own right, the story of how the myths of unity and disintegration have been variously translated into the forms we see in the digital age. Ancient myths of a transcendent reality of the whole and the parts caught in a cosmic antagonism have been…
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Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Racionalismo e romanticismo
The rationalists had said that we should eschew feeling, emotion, and other distortions to knowledge in favor of pure reason. In contrast, the romantics rehabilitated and promoted feeling and emotion. Whereas the rationalists and empiricists debated the nature of reality and how we can know it, the romantics elevated the intangible world of the imagination.…
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Coyne (Technoromanticism) – A quimera da unidad digital
Clearly the unity theme presents in various forms. In some cases, it presents as a simple numerical description: one whole (unity) and many parts (multiplicity). In some cases, it presents as a matter of the unity between elements, as in the parts of a system working as one, people united as community, or distinct categories…
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Richard Coyne (Technoromanticism) – Narrativas digitais românticas e McLuhan
Digital narratives place the invention and refinement of the computer at the pinnacle of scientific and technological accomplishment. Therefore, it may seem strange that digital narratives should draw so heavily on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century romanticism. This book examines the spectrum of romantic narrative that pervades the digital age, from McLuhan’s utopian vision of social reintegration…
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Marejko (Espace) – Rousseau e seus herdeiros
C’est peu dire que l’obstination et la ténacité de Galilée ont porté leurs fruits, puisqu’on peut affirmer, sans exagération, qu’elles ont modifié le cours de la culture occidentale. Les choses sont en train de changer, mais au début du XXème siècle, la philosophie néo-positiviste par exemple, se réclamait encore explicitement de l’épistémologie galiléenne. C’est ainsi…
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Beaune (Milieux) – La machine sociale
Selon l’expression de R. Ruyer, « toute communication efficace d’une structure » peut être appelée information. La machine sociale semble fonctionner comme un cosmos qui prévoit, règle et surveille ses propres « créations d’ordre » et qui possède d’autre part le privilège de la polyvalence. L’ordinateur socio-économique global se présente comme un monde physique retrouvant…
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Beniger – The Control Revolution
To SAY that the advanced industrial world is rapidly becoming an Information Society may already be a cliché. In the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and Japan, the bulk of the labor force now works primarily at informational tasks such as systems analysis and computer programming, while wealth comes increasingly from informational goods such as…
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Ellul – Le Bluff technologique
Ce livre s’appelle Le Bluff technologique. Ce titre fera réagir sévèrement la plupart des passants. S’il y a un domaine dans lequel aucun bluff n’est justement permis, c’est bien celui de la technique ! Les choses sont claires ici : on peut ou on ne peut pas. Quand on dit que l’on va marcher sur…
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Michel Henry (Marx) – Superestrutura
Por el contrario, cuando esa vida que sabe lo que quiere en la experiencia sufriente de su necesidad es sustituida por la estructura económica y social de la sociedad como principio pretendido de esa genealogía, es decir, nuevamente, por un estado objetivo que, como la materia, no es susceptible en sí mismo de producir idea…
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Langdon Winner (Whale) – A Baleia e o Reator (prefácio segunda edição)
WINNER, Langdon. The whale and the reactor : a search for limits in an age of high technology. Second edition. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2020 “DO ARTIFACTS HAVE POLITICS?” When I first posed that question decades ago, many social scientists dismissed it as a blunder, absurd, unhelpful, and perhaps even destructive. After all,…
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Ortega y Gasset (Obra V) – Modernidade
Excertos de Obra Completa Tomo 5 – Ortega y Gasset Galileo nos interesa no así como así, suelto y sin más, frente a frente él y nosotros, de hombre a hombre. A poco que analicemos nuestra estimación hacia su figura, advertiremos que se adelanta a nuestro fervor, colocado en un preciso cuadrante, alojado en un…
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Arendt (Humano:C2) – O Homem: Animal Social ou Político
Início do capítulo II da «Condição Humana» A vita activa, ou seja, a vida humana na medida em que se empenha ativamente em fazer algo, tem raízes permanentes num mundo de homens ou de coisas feitas pelos homens, um mundo que ela jamais abandona ou chega a transcender completamente. As coisas e os homens constituem…
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Langdon Winner (Whale) – A Baleia e o Reator (prefácio primeira edição)
WINNER, Langdon. The whale and the reactor : a search for limits in an age of high technology. Second edition. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2020 THE MAP OF the world shows no country called Technopolis, yet in many ways we are already its citizens. If one observes how thoroughly our lives are shaped…
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Lima: Walter Benjamin
Excerto da entrada de Luiz Carlos Lima, no Dicionário de Comunicação Ensaísta alemão (Berlim 1892-fronteira da Espanha com a França 1940). Foi em sua juventude amigo do hebraísta Gerhard Scholem, que o introduziu no estudo da mística hebraica, assim como do conhecido pensador Ernst Bloch. Estudou em Berlim, Freiburg e em Mônaco. Laureou-se em Berna…
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Dória: Adorno
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Durkheim – A ciência é obra social?
É. Durkheim, Ano sociológico1 Segundo M. Jerusalem2, a sociedade é que consolidaria as imaginações mitológicas em dogmas obrigatórios, em verdades incontestes. Ela é que construiria a representação vulgar da natureza. A ciência, porém, não seria da sua alçada; ela seria obra individual. Deveríamos à sociedade as noções simples, grosseiras mesmo, que nos servem diariamente para…
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Castoriadis (1982:277-279) – imaginário social e linguagem
A instituição social histórica é aquilo em que e por que se manifesta e é o imaginário social. Esta instituição é instituição de um magma de significações, as significações imaginárias sociais. O suporte representativo participável destas significações — ao qual, é claro, elas não se reduzem e que pode ser direto ou indireto — consiste…
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